R devel archive: R as unix filter
R as unix filter
Rf' allows unix script programmers to use the statistics program
R' as a proper unix filter.
Basically, Rf allows you to write a little sh-bang script (included in this distribution as file `mean'):
#!/usr/local/bin/Rf x <- scan(.stdin, quiet=T) cat (mean(x))
This example script reads number in from stdin (the R character variable `.stdin') and prints the average on standard out. Thus, one could say on the command line:
$ seq 10 | mean
This first version assumes the following:
* `r-as-filter' installed in /usr/local/lib * `Rf' installed in /usr/local/bin
Note that you may install Rf anywhere, but if you want to use it in shbang context (first line of `executable R script' starting with /usr/local/bin/Rf) then this should be a consistent location in order to make it more portable.
If you can't copy to /usr/local/lib, change the destination in `Rf.c'.
Make `Rf' by typing
$ make Rf
And then copy
$ install Rf /usr/local/bin $ install r-as-filter /usr/local/lib
keywords: R, Rf, argv, stdin
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